Thor Gets Into The Prancercise Fitness Craze (GIFs And Video)

The God of Thunder is making sure he doesn’t become the God of Thunderthighs with the hot new fitness craze sweeping the nation: Prancercise. We were introduced to Prancercise: The Art of Physical and Spiritual Excellence by Joanna Rohrback last week when her hilariously odd video went viral and somehow wasn’t a Tim and Eric sketch. Now Ryan Frye of EveryDayThor has brought us the glorious internet bounty that is Prancersizing Thor.

He can prance if he wants to.

I love you, internet. Could you make me love you more? What’s that? A GIF set? You’re too sweet.

That’s a good prancercise demonstration. ANOTHER!

(H/T: Pleated Jeans)