A Guy Texted An Unsolicited Picture Of His Junk To A Woman Who Then Forwarded It To His Mom. Whammy.

Hey, bros. Let’s break down some do’s and don’t’s for text courting:

1. Don’t send pics of your junk.
2. Ever.
3. Especially if it’s a woman you just met who clearly doesn’t want the picture.
4. Don’t call her a prude grammar Nazi because she has no interest in seeing said picture.
5. Don’t send pics of your junk.
6 Ever.

This guy named Trevor didn’t heed these warnings and went in for the home run with a picture of his junk that she clearly didn’t want. So, to show him just how much she didn’t want the picture, she found the guy’s mom and sent her the picture. That’s just glorious win.

Hey, you have to at least admire the guy’s…wait…no, you shouldn’t admire his anything. Some are saying that her “rape culture” reaction is a bit overdramatic and to that I say you have the right to react as “dramatically” or nonchalantly as you please when there’s unwanted Johnson in your text messages.

So there. Here’s the rest of the awkward exchange.

[h/t BroBible and Daily Dot]