Mark Zuckerberg Closes Google+ Account Over…Wait For It…Privacy Concerns

Oh Mark Zuckerberg. You are sooooo funny. You join Google+ and immediately become it’s most followed user. And now you’re closing your account after just a couple of weeks because you don’t want to be tracked, because you’re concerned about your privacy?

You sir, either have a refined appreciation for Herculean irony, or you’re a social moron the likes of which have not been seen since Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne embarked on a road trip to Aspen by scooter and furry van.

Reports the Inquirer’s Dave Neal:

Zuckerberg was top of the Google+ ratings as late as Tuesday evening, and when we last looked had some 21,213 followers and 39 friends. Today he is nowhere to be seen and has been replaced by Robert Scoble, the man who confirmed to us all that this Zuckerberg was the real Zuckerberg.

The changes were revealed on the Google+ account belonging to the Social Statistics compiler Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten. He explained that some Google+ members could no longer be tracked as they had further closed off their accounts on Tuesday. Interesting that Zuckerberg, the man so happy to gather and share so much of everyone else’s data on Facebook, is suddenly so protective over his own.

Haha, you’re so funny Mark Zuckerberg. This is like Dracula sending back a steak because it was too bloody, or Charlie Sheen refusing to bang a hooker because she did too much coke, or like…I could go on and on.

Maybe this was the last straw

Yeah, probably.

(HT: @AntDerosa)