Ken Jeong Of ‘Community’ & ‘The Hangover’ Photobombs Sexy GQ Photo Shoot

In recent months it’s become increasingly evident that GQ is making a significant effort to become more Internet-y — more relevant among people who inhabit the web, if you will. In such, they’ve chosen to assign well-known Internet writers to pen major profiles rather than assigning those pieces to staff writers already on the payroll. As a longtime reader of the magazine, it’s been sort of interesting to watch it evolve and develop.

The magazine’s latest effort to pander to engage the web is to take one of the key players — Ken Jeong, the Korean actor who practiced medicine in New Orleans before catapulting to fame as Mr. Chow in The Hangover — from Community, one of the most popular shows on the web, and feature him in a fashion photoshoot … in which he photobombs an impossibly sexy couple in the throes of passion. The result, as you can see above, is actually quite hilarious and will surely get some viral play, because the internet loves a good photobomb — even when it’s completely staged.