We’ve been having fun with Warner Brothers’ Jaeger designer app which lets you create and creatively name your own Jaegers (giant robots) from Pacific Rim. Then the readers got in on the fun. The Jaegers in the film have names like Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka, monikers befitting of Key & Peele’s “East/West College Bowl” sketch. It was ripe for parody, and it turns out we weren’t the only ones creating improved Jaeger names.
A single-serving Tumblr, 4th String Jaegers, have been highlighting their own uniquely-named Jaegers since last week, and it’s glorious. Our new favorites are collected below. All pictures via 4th String Jaegers unless otherwise noted. Thanks to Buzzfeed for the assist.
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Made by Radiophonics.
Made by Radiophonics.