Comic-Con 2013: The Main Villain Of ‘Avengers 2’ Is…

Any show that opens with Loki making the audience chant your name and then rolling into Thor: The Dark World footage can’t be all bad. And that’s just the start. But Marvel closed it with the reveal of the villain in Avengers 2, which is…

Ultron. Specifically, the title of the movie is Avengers: Age Of Ultron, so we’re all going to have to read the miniseries now.

There actually wasn’t much about Thor, actually, they just opened the panel with footage, including Loki beating Thor like a pinata. The focus immediately went to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Which is apparently rife with beatings! According to the cast, it’s a fairly gritty film, well, for a PG-13 thriller. The Falcon has “wings and guns”, according to Anthony Mackie, which, really, is all you need. OK, they also have a crashing helicarrier.

Guardians Of The Galaxy showed some early footage, and the cast chatted a bit. But really, the big relevation that Ultron is the next villain is pretty attention-getting to say the least. We’ll be curious to see where Phase 2 is going that Ultron will be coming next.