I have to say, I’ve seen photos of some of the costumes worn by sexxxy ladies at Comic Con, and it appears as though you’ve got to try really hard to cross the line into “indecency.” After all, this lady (Link NSFW) walked around topless with only a toy dragon covering her Lady Macbeth. With that said, reality TV person and self-proclaimed Mistress of the Dorks Adrianne Curry apparently somehow managed to do just that over the weekend with the Aeon Flux get-up pictured above.
Here’s the offending butt in question…
The former America’s Next Top Model and Surreal Life star who’s married to Peter Brady then made another go of it with a red shirt wrapped around her bottom…
Yes, Adrianne Curry is an attention-whore extraordinaire, but we sure as hell wouldn’t turn down a cuddle session with her crazy as$…
(HT: The Superficial)