Stan Lee & Arnold Schwarzenegger Unveil New ‘Governator’ Project

Ever since Arnold Schwarzenegger’s alien spacecraft crashed into our planet, we’ve experienced many different versions of the guy. There was Orgasm At the Gym Arnold, Biodiesel Arnold, Womanizer Arnold, Preggers Arnold and, let us not forget, my personal favorite, Numero Uno Arnold -because that guy was higher than sh-t. Well, finally the time has come for everyone to welcome yet another variant of the Schwarzenegger persona: an animated superhero, The Governator.

Working with none other than comic legend Stan Lee, the ever-bandwagon-jumping Entertainment Weekly recently sat down with Lee to find out what the hell he was thinking agreeing to something like this ask him about the project.

“We’re using all the personal elements of Arnold’s life. We’re using his wife [Maria Shriver]. We’re using his kids. We’re using the fact that he used to be governor. Only after he leaves the governor’s office, Arnold decides to become a crime fighter and builds a secret high-tech crime-fighting center under his house in Brentwood.”

For the record, I’d just like to say that most every household in Brentwood has a secret high-tech center under their home. Typically I’m pretty sure it’s where the families keep their maids and migrant landscapers.

And just in case this whole art imitating life thing is too overwhelming for you, right now, don’t worry, because Arnold himself is here to set the record straight: cartoons are not his real life, because in real life he lives further away from the beach.

Arnold says:

“I love the idea of a control center below my house with a path so that boats and submarines can go right into the ocean,” he tells EW. “In the cartoon, my house is much closer to the beach than where we live, but, you know, it’s a cartoon.

“And it funny, because in real world I am not made of pencil and ink, but in the cartoon I am. No one draws me in my real life. I was born.” he surely continued.

“The word Governator combined two worlds: the world of politics and the movie world. And [this cartoon] brings everything together. It combines the governor, the Terminator, the bodybuilding world, the True Lies…”

Riiight, well the animated show and comic aren’t due out for, at least, another year, but fear not, because that kind of momentum is still enough to force the ghost of Elizabeth Taylor onto the back cover of this month’s EW. Granted, it also allows plenty of time for this project to crumble apart and turn to farts, though I really hope that doesn’t happen. I’d love to watch Arnold catch a break, these days. That poor guy.