Internet Explorer Users Much Dumber Than Non-Internet Explorer Users, Says Science

Every joke about Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer users — which are typically centered around the awfulness of the browser and room temperature IQ of the people who willingly use it — are funny because they’re true (Seriously, the only valid excuse for using IE is being forced to by an employer). And now they’re even true-er.

Reports MSNBC:

…if you’re still among the approximately 10.7 percent of the world on IE6 — notoriously buggy and incompatible with pretty much everything except malware — here’s some science bound to make you embrace change. IE6 users have an average IQ score barely over 80, according to a recent study by Vancouver-based psychometric consulting company, AptiQuant.

To get those numbers, AptiQuant polled 101,326 people ages 16 and up from predominately English-speaking countries, including the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Subjects took an intelligence test on the AptiQuant website, which recorded their browser, operating system and geographic location via their IP address.

What’s astounding is that at 80 Internet Explorer 6 users’ IQ really is close to room temperature. That’s the average. Like, just ten points lower and they could actually be classified medically as mentally retarded. Conversely, the IQ of the average Firefox and Chrome user was around 110, the average Safari user registered around 115, while Opera and Camino users scored the highest, hovering around 120.

This study also serves to make one of my favorite rage-faces of all-time even funnier…

Y’all have a good weekend.

(HT: Mashable)