Kylie Minogue promises ‘something different’ on new album

As Kylie Minogue continues to enjoy celebrating her 25th anniversary year (yes, it”s been a quarter of a century since the Aussie icon released “Locomotion), she”s already looking ahead to her next album. And she promises it will be “something different.”

{13300278166710} Poised to come out in 2013, the next album will be her first since 2010″s “Aphrodite.”  She plans to work with a number of producers, Minogue told Metro at a K25 party at London”s Abbey Road Studios. “I have started on the new music already,” she said. On recording at the vaunted studio, she said, “I thought, ‘How much difference can a studio make?” but it is a beautiful studio. The sound is just gorgeous-you know you are on hallowed ground.”

So far she”s keeping the producers” names under wraps.

Up next for Minogue?  She heads to Sydney to continue the celebrations with a concert.