The Monkees’ sales soar following Davy Jones’ death

As we”ve seen all too recently with Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston, an artist”s death – and the attendant publicity – spurs sales.

The Monkees are the latest act to see such a jump. Following Davy Jones” Feb. 29 death, the group returned to the Billboard 200 for the first time in nine years, according to Billboard. “The Best of the Monkees”  popped back onto the album chart yesterday at No. 20.  The Best of the Monkees” was last on the charts in June 2003.  The title”s sales of 17,000 were up 7,808% over the week before. (We can”t do the math, but that means it must have sold something like 400 copies last week).

“Flashback With the Monkees” came on the chart at No. 125.

[More after the jump…]

Not surprisingly, the group also sees a rise in downloads: “Daydream Believer”  sold 39,000 for the week ending March 4, up 5,346% over the previous week.

We mourned Davy, our first crush, hereMichael Nesmith, in a really lovely interview with Rolling Stone, mourns his bandmate  here. Note that even though the interviewer refers to Jones as Davy in the email interview, Nesmith calls him “David” every time.

Enjoy “Daydream Believer” below.

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