‘Project Runway’ recap: ‘Finale, Part 2’

Well, it’s down to the final four, and after last week’s unimpressive outing, it’s really anyone’s game. I’m hoping the designers listened to the judges, because if they send some of that crap down the runway at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, man, they won’t invite the show back.

Hey, “Runway” fans, I’ll be talking to the winner tomorrow, so be sure to post your questions in the comments below!

The designers take some time to play pool on their fabulous pool table — it turns out they did have time to play after all! I’m sure the camera crew had to force the issue, because you know every one of them would rather be sleeping if they’re not in the work room. Fabio tells his fellow designers he just knew they’d all be in the finale! Christopher, however, is still angry with the judges. He’s a front-runner! How dare they act like they were doing him a favor by moving him forward! They ARE doing him a favor by sending him to Fashion Week — does he really think he’d get there at the ripe old age of 24 on his own? Wow, I really don’t want Christopher to win now. Well, unless he has the best collection. God knows he certainly thinks he does.

The next day in the workroom, the designers are thinking about what they need to fix when Fairy Godfather Tim Gunn drops by to sprinkle magic dust and $300 to spend at Mood. They are so relieved! Because let’s face it, they all need to make some new stuff so that they can get rid of the ugliness they splattered all over the runway last week. 

The designers take advantage of the interview room to summarize the competition. Fabio thinks Melissa is great, but she needs to deliver a little more Fashion Week punch. Christopher thinks Dmitry is very talented, but needs a little more creativity. And originality. And innovation. And style. And substance. And talent. And money. And magic. Seriously, what is Christopher’s problem again? Dmitry thinks Christopher has no direction and he’s lost it. At least Dmitry cuts to the chase. Melissa, apparently, had nothing catty to say.

But the designers aren’t entirely focused on one another. Fabio’s nerves are traveling right through the screen, and if you touch it, you will feel the shaking of his heart. The editors helpfully make the screen ripple, just in case you think about trying this out. 

Tim time! Tim likes what Melissa’s up to. He also loves her blood orange leather fabric, which Christopher considers completely pretentious. It’s red, duh! Actually, I prefer blood orange, as that is a slightly different color than true red. Suck it, Christopher. Tim is worried that Dmitry’s crazy silver-leaf hair design, which was suggested by the hair guy, is a bad idea. I’m going to wait to see it in action, but given that the make-up guy is doing these crazy Brooke Shields-Eastern European wrestle eyebrows, I’m just not sure what to think. 

Christopher is exhausted and flustered and he’s made about a hundred looks, so Tim tells him to finish up what he has in motion, stop adding, and just focus. And maybe take a sedative or have a stiff drink or something. Tim tells Fabio he’s arrived in the magical land of fashion, since he made a top and some shorts. I will say they are cute shorts, but Tim is awfully excited about them. 

In the sewing room, Melissa declares Christopher extra crispy feisty. I think he’s just extra crispy. Seriously, Christopher looks like a P.O.W. or a meth addict.

Tim comes to collect the designers. He has champagne! Put down the scissors and enjoy the moment! But Christopher has to sew… something. I think Dmitry is right — Christopher’s lost it. 

Soon, it’s really time for Fashion Week, and we see the familiar shots of the designers walking in the dark and oohing and aahing and making “Wizard of Oz” comments. Really, they could just plug in some frames from previous seasons and I’d never notice the difference. 

Christopher gushes, “I’m walking up these stairs to my very own fashion show.” Because in his mind, he’s won. Or he’s alone. I think Christopher is both annoying and in need of a nap.

It’s runway time! Michal Kors and Nina Garcia are joined by Jennifer Hudson. And a bajillion other people. It’s Fashion Week, y’all!


He perks up a little once he has an audience. After he says a few words, the show begins. 

I do not like the megaslit in the skirt of the first outfit, but the top is impeccable, as is the leather wrap over the skirt. The second outfit is interesting, but the jacket’s collar is a little “Star Trek.” The next outfit — the jacket of pieced-together leather is so cool, but it looks too small for the model. 

And there’s that boring leather shorts and tank top outfit from last week! Ugh! I’d like to take another look at the blue trench. The bleach-dappled vest is still strong, and that X-ray print is great, even if it still feels like a rip-off of Mondo’s Rorschach print. Still, I feel like this is all over the place. Lots of interesting things that don’t go together. Like an episode of “Lost.”

I love the blue ruched jacket, and the gown at the end is gorgeous, sort of like a modern, relaxed take on the Balenciaga bandage dress. But the model waddles down the runway in it. What the hell? I’m not sure what it’s doing in the collection, but I do like it. 

Verdict: Cool items, mashed together, but I’m not sure it really has much cohesion. 


The theme is from death to life. Okay. That’s… well, broad.

The revisions to the white jacket are great. The black dress with the little vest is cute, but I’m worried everything’s going to be a little samey-samey. A leather bathing suit? You don’t swim in that, I guess. Look, another black vest. Look, another black dress. Look, a white dress. Beautiful, though. 

Oh, that white dress that the model can’t walk in? She couldn’t pick anything else? The blood orange dress is great, though. I just wish there had been more color throughout. And that stiff cowl neck collar, I’m so tired of it.

Verdict: I like everything, it’s all wearable — but she didn’t do anything she hasn’t already done. Waah.


This is Dmitry’s heart and soul. Hey, he has them! Good to know. 

There’s that white dress. I liked the hair before it was pulled into a ponytail — now I’m siding with Tim Gunn. I still don’t love the sheer black top paired with the white pants, though the fringed jacket looks better with the relaxed Hammer-ish pants this time. 

I do not like the lemon yellow skirt with a black leather top. The black leather one-sleeved dress just looks a little goth-Barbie to me. I like the metal detailing on the next lemon yellow dress, though. The sparkly silver gown is okay, but the showstopper dress at the end borders on trashy. 

Verdict: This is very Dmitry. He did manage to make everyone look less matronly this time out. But I’m still not sold on the silver in the hair. I liked it when it was just done to the tips of straightened hair, but with the ponytails the models look like they’re trying to pick up signals from Mars.


I swear, shave the beard and he could be Diane Keaton in his little skirt and flouncy hat. He announces his designs are cosmic tribalism and some other things, then gets off the stage. 

Oh my Lord & Taylor, thank GOD he got rid of most of the ugly beach crap. I’m liking the flowing vests this time around. The ombre dress is working. I like the next dress, too. He seems to have tossed out the really awful tie-dye crap. Not all of the draping wows me, but man, this is hugely better.

Verdict: This is so much better I think he could win this thing. I’m shocked at how much he improved this. And yes, the little shorts helped, too. 

People in the audience weigh in. Debra Messing loves Melissa’s designs. The president of Lord & Taylor is rooting for Christopher. Joanna Coles loved Dmitry’s designs. Anya liked Fabio, which makes sense, because they’re hatched from the same flow-y, drape-y egg. 

Time for the designers to face the judges. Heidi is very proud of all of them, and they didn’t let her down.

Dmitry is first. Heidi thinks he put on a beautiful show. Michael thinks his clothes look expensive. He loves the one-sleeved dress and the gown verged on costume. They’re well-designed, fabulous clothes. Nina loved that he paired the fringe jacket with a cool pant. She thought the yellow dress was very sex. She thought most of his looks were highly editorial. Jennifer thought it was rich, and it was everything.

Melissa’s turn. She was all about bringing the surrealness out. Michael loved the jacket that he hated last week, he loves the gessoed leather. But he couldn’t understand why she sent the model down the runway in a dress she couldn’t walk in. But Jennifer liked it! Heidi thought they were tough chicks, and she loved it. Nina thought the red dress was great. Nina thinks her clothes are sexy without being too slutty. 

Christopher talks about X-rays. Michael thought his show started with a kaboom. He loved the splattered leather pieces. He thinks the romantic gown was pretty, but it didn’t fit into the show. Jennifer loved the wool skirt with the leather piece over it. Heidi liked the Star Trek jacket. Nina thinks he has a wonderful ability to make a fabric look light. She wished she’d seen more of his romantic side. 

Fabio talks about his heritage and body art. Heidi loved, loved, loved it. She thought it was ethereal and fluid. Nina thinks he really listened, and his work looked sophisticated and cool. Michael thinks that the yin and yang thing really worked. The drape looked effortless. He made a fashion statement that was different but could be interpreted in real life. Jennifer thought he nailed it. 

The designers are asked why they should win “Project Runway.” They all think they deserve it and they really want it. Duh. Fabio gets choked up. Dmitry wants wings to fly. 

I really want to hand Heidi Klum a T-shirt or something. That dress is just about to fly open and she looks really uncomfortable sitting this straight for this long. 

The judges talk. They loved Christopher’s print. But he made too many things and was inconsistent. It wasn’t a collection.

They thought Melissa did a good job making clothes for herself. But there were no surprises. 

Fabio went in an unexpected direction. Heidi wants it. But Michael isn’t sure he’ll do it all the time.

Dmitry was on his game, and he worked hard. There is no but about Dmitry. 

It’s down to Dmitry and Fabio. 

Christopher is out. But he can only feel happy about it. He’s too exhausted to cry, but that’s okay. He’s thankful for the opportunity.

Melissa is the next one auf’ed. She’s upset she didn’t win, but she loves her collection and she got to show at Fashion Week, so it’s a win-win. 

Dmitry is… the winner of “Project Runway.” Whoa! I thought it might be Fabio, simply because what he did was so different. But Fabio’s okay with second place. He feels he got his wings, too. But he’s sad that his mother’s so sad. I hope he wins favorite contestant of the season, just so he gets some cash. He wanted to win so he could pay her bills and also pay his own bills.

Dmitry has no idea how he made it to this point, but he’s thrilled. Michael tells him he’s a real gentleman. His friends, whoa re all blonde women, come outside to hug him. Tim comes outside to hug Dmitry, and starts crying. Oh, Tim Gunn! 

I didn’t always love Dmitry’s designs, but I will say there were always well made, and he did branch out toward the end of the season so that we didn’t think he was just the dress guy. Was he my favorite designer? Well, no. But my favorite designer (Melissa) really let me down by trotting out the same old stuff at Fashion Week. The good news is that at least Dmitry didn’t seem to be a jerk, worked very hard and had talent. There’s also the added advantage of imagining Elena watching the show and screaming at the television. 

Who do you think deserved to win? What did you think of Fabio’s reboot? Have any questions for Dmitry?