Justin Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun tells Grammys ‘U blew it’

Justin Bieber”s manager, Scooter Braun, practically lives on Twitter, so it should come as no surprise that he took to the social medium to declare his extreme displeasure at Bieber”s shut-out in yesterday”s Grammy nominations.

Though he graciously told “all those nominated… you do deserve it,” he pled the case for Bieber”s inclusion… albeit, obviously too late.

“Grammy board u blew it on this one,” he tweeted. (Board? Really? It”s the Grammy voters who select the nominees, not the board. That”s beside the point here, though Braun should know that’s how it works).  “This time there won”t be any wise words, no excuses, I just plain disagree. The kid deserved it.”

He never mentions Bieber by name, but continues, “The hardest thing to do is transition, keep the train moving. The kid delivered. Huge successful album, sold out tour, and won people over.”

And continued. “…this time he deserved to be recognized and I don”t really have any kind nice positive things to say about a decision I don”t agree with.”

As we previously reported yesterday after One Direction found itself in a similar boat, The Grammys have never really figured out how to deal with teen idols.

At least, unlike 1D, Bieber did get a best new artist nomination last year.

Braun does go on to end on a positive note by praising Carly Rae Jepsen, who records for his label and who received two nominations, but he can”t quite let it go with her either, noting “thought u deserved a best new artist nom.”  We totally agree on that one.

Oddly, he does not mention his other clients, The Wanted, who were, like Bieber, shut out.

By the end of his myriad tweets, he was already looking on the bright side and vowing to use the perceived adversity to his advantage, quoting, of all folks, David Brinkley: “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.