‘Lincoln’ finally wins a critics award for Best Picture, from Dallas-Ft. Worth

After sitting idly by and watching films like “Zero Dark Thirty” and “Argo” reap most of the critics’ Best Picture awards, Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” finally has one of its own, from the Dallas-Ft. Worth Film Critics Association. The film won Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress in addition to Best Picture, but fell to Kathryn Bigelow in the Best Director category. Check out the full list (ranked through runners-up) below, and keep track of the season via The Circuit.

Best Picture
1. “Lincoln”
2. “Argo”
3. “Zero Dark Thirty”
4. “Life of Pi”
5. “Les Misérables”
6. “Moonrise Kingdom”
7. “Silver Linings Playbook”
8. “Skyfall”
9. “The Master”
10. “Beasts of the Southern Wild”

Best Director
1. Kathryn Bigelow, “Zero Dark Thirty”
2. Steven Spielberg, “Lincoln”
3. Ben Affleck, “Argo”
4. Ang Lee, “Life of Pi”
5. Wes Anderson, “Moonrise Kingdom”

Best Actor
1. Daniel Day-Lewis, “Lincoln”
2. Joaquin Phoenix, “The Master”
3. John Hawkes, “The Sessions”
4. Hugh Jackman, “Les Misérables”
5. Denzel Washington, “Flight”

Best Actress
1. Jessica Chastain, “Zero Dark Thirty”
2. Jennifer Lawrence, “Silver Linings Playbook”
3. Emmanuelle Riva, “Amour”
4. Quvenzhané Wallis, “Beasts of the Southern Wild”
5. Naomi Watts, “The Impossible”

Best Supporting Actor
1. Tommy Lee Jones, “Lincoln”
2. Philip Seymour Hoffman, “The Master”
3. Christoph Waltz, “Django Unchained”
4. Alan Arkin, “Argo”
5. Robert De Niro, “Silver Linings Playbook”

Best Supporting Actress
1. Sally Field, “Lincoln”
2. Anne Hathaway, “Les Misérables”
3. Amy Adams, “The Master”
4. Helen Hunt, “The Sessions”
5. Ann Dowd, “Compliance”

Best Screenplay
1. “Zero Dark Thirty”
2. “Django Unchained”

Best Cinematography
1. “Life of Pi”
2. “Skyfall”

Best Animated Film
1. “ParaNorman”
2. “Frankenweenie”
3. “The Pirates! Band of Misfits”

Best Foreign Language Film
1. “Amour”
2. “A Royal Affair”
3. “The Intouchables”
4. “Holy Motors”
5. “The Kid with a Bike”

Best Documentary
1. “Searching for Sugar Man”
2. “Bully”
3. “How to Survive a Plague”
4. “West of Memphis”
5. “The Invisible War”

Russell Smith Award (for best low-budget or cutting-edge independent film)
“Beasts of the Southern Wild”