Series premiere: ‘The Americans’ – ‘Pilot’

I posted my review of “The Americans” yesterday. Now it’s your turn. What did everybody think of the new FX spy drama? Did you find the period touches believable? Were you able to sympathize with the Soviets? Did you find the dynamics of their quasi-marriage interesting or creepy? Do you like Matthew Rhys’ perm? Will you ever be able to get Fleetwood Mac’s “Tusk” out of your head after the opening and closing sequences? And will you watch again? 

My plan going forward is to make this a part of the regular rotation. I just ran out of time today to write something longer, and I covered a lot of my feelings about the pilot (including the sense that Noah Emmerich living across the street maybe wasn’t the most elegant way to have him interact with Rhys and Keri Russell) in that advance review.

Have at it, and I’ll have a lot more to say about the second episode, which does not feature “Tusk” but does feature the den of Caspar Weinberger.