Watch The Weeknd’s NSFW music video to ‘Twenty Eight’

The music video for the Weeknd’s “Twenty Eight” is the next in a long series of clips that feature women dancing for the R&B singer, under the auspices that romances are apparitions that just happen to the Weeknd, and not relationships in which he plays an active part.

And again, the passivity of being either behind or in front of the camera: either way, he’s not a participant. Truly, to be a sexual partner of the Weeknd, one must keep it on the “down low” as he suggests (though, do not mistake “secret” for “subtlety.” This clip is all but subtle.). Lesson being that he’s not exactly Loverman of the Year, but boy can he sing, right?

Fashion week in New York can transpire now. The hottest accessory of the season is topless, melancholy women.

“Twenty Eight” is part of “Trilogy,” the re-released collection of mixtapes dropped late last year. The Weeknd said on Twitter that he’s already hard at work for a new album in 2013.