HitFix First Look: The ‘Strike Back’ guys vs the big bad

The third (or, if you’re in the UK, fourth) season of “Strike Back” concludes tomorrow night at 10 on Cinemax. (Starting next Friday, Cinemax will finally start airing the original British season with Richard Armitage, under the title “Strike Back: Origins.”) I’ve seen the finale, and it’s excellent, doing an impressive job of tying together most of this season’s threads even as it’s letting Philip Winchester and Sullivan Stapleton participate in all kinds of wonderfully-choreographed action.

I’ll have a review of the finale up right after it finishes on the East Coast, but in the meantime, I have an exclusive clip from the finale, featuring a shootout between Stonebridge, Scott and the terrorists they’ve been chasing all season.

Enjoy, and feel free to discuss the season to date here.