Adam Scott and Paul Rudd reunite for ‘The Greatest Event in Television History’

Adam Scott had himself a big night of television last night. He directed his first episode of “Parks and Recreation” (which I reviewed here), and at midnight, Adult Swim debuted the fourth and final installment of his pointlessly wonderful “Greatest Event In Television History” series, this time with Scott and Paul Rudd recreating the opening credits to “Bosom Buddies.”(*)

(*) Insert usual defense of “Bosom Buddies” as a show vastly better than its cross-dressing reputation, thanks to the dynamite chemistry between Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari, who were so good the producers were able to pretty much ditch the drag stuff for season 2.

This was the briefest “Greatest Event” (Scott told Vulture’s Denise Martin that they ran out of money), but it also featured the longest opening credit sequence (the original runs close to 2 minutes), featured several big cameos (which I won’t spoil here; the whole thing’s embedded below), and even righted an old wrong by using the actual Billy Joel recording of “My Life” rather than the soundalike theme the show used in the ’80s. And like the previous ones (I interviewed Scott about the second installment), it also functions as a parody of showbiz pretensions, here with Rudd getting way too much into character, and later disrupting Scott’s home life (with June Diane Raphael playing Scott’s wife).

I’m sad to see the series come to an end, especially given all the other ’80s possibilities (who wouldn’t want to see Scott wearing the red “Greatest American Hero” costume and a curly blonde wig, for instance?), but it’s an idea that probably shouldn’t be overdone, and this felt like a grand ending to the whole stupid experiment.

What did everybody else think?