Tell us what you thought of ‘Neighbors’

I'm gonna just say let's put Spidey behind us and assume the summer movie season starts today, with a good movie. And Nicholas Stoller's “Neighbors” is certainly that, a broad comedy but one with interesting themes in mind and an array of talent on screen.

Seth Rogen is, to me, one of the most interesting comedians playing in the studio space lately (you all know how I felt about “This is the End” last year). Zac Efron really delivers a surprising portrayal that had me thinking we might see him reach a certain level of superstardom in due time. And honestly, the unsung hero of the whole thing is Rose Byrne. The whole cast works really well together.

Drew McWeeny was a huge fan at SXSW and now the film makes its way into the marketplace. You should see it. And when/if you do, head on back here with some thoughts and feel free to vote in our poll below!