TV’s highest-paid actors: Ashton Kutcher is No. 1, Jon Cryer ties for No. 2

TV”s highest-paid actors: Ashton Kutcher is No. 1, Jon Cryer ties for No. 2
The “Two and a Half Men” stars topped Forbes” annual list with Kutcher earning $26 million and Cryer raking in $19 million. Cryer tied with Mark Harmon. They were followed by Neil Patrick Harris, Patrick Dempsey and Kevin Spacey.

“True Blood” had the most disappointing finale of all time: Where did the show go wrong?
“Something about the blandness of 'True Blood”s' finale felt almost offensive,” says Melissa Maerz, who adds: “What happened to the transgressive fun of 'True Blood'? It”s hard to remember now, but when the series first premiered, its campy, hedonistic vibe felt somewhat revolutionary-or, anyway, as revolutionary as a show that would later feature werepanther rape can get.”

Parents TV Council: “MTV seemed to have toned down the VMA broadcast this year – at least compared to last year's cringe-inducing mess”
“The MTV broadcast standards team effectively muted out the most explicit profanity, and for that we are grateful,” Tim Winter, the president of the conservative watchdog said in a statement. He added, however, his concern over the way women were portrayed during the ceremony. PLUS: Listen to Beyonce”s vocals-isolated performance.

Don”t expect a “Big Bang” wedding next season
“I can”t say for sure, but I doubt it,” showrunner Steven Molaro says of a Penny and Leonard tying the knot. “They”re in a great place. They”re the kind of couple where they can be engaged for a while and that”s fine.”

“Game of Thrones” meets “The Office”
The NBC comedy gets mashed up with the HBO series.

“Rising Star” ends its 1st season down 40% from its debut
The ABC singing competition hasn”t been renewed.

Amazon orders 5 kids” show pilots
Three animated and two live action pilots are on tap for Prime Instant Video.