Fox will be patient with its $50M year-long ‘Utopia,’ despite a steep viewership drop

Fox will be patient with its $50M year-long “Utopia,” despite a steep viewership drop
“We launched it really early, maybe before viewers were ready for a new fall show,” says Fox boss Dana Walden. “No one thought we were going to launch a huge ratings juggernaut, but with patience it will grow and we're going to have patience.”

Claim: A comedienne angled for Joan Rivers” “Fashion Police” job while she was still comatose – was it Kathy Griffin?
According to Page Six, that comedienne was Griffin. But her spokesperson says, “this is absolutely not true.”

HBO and Showtime are inching closer to becoming unbundled from cable TV
Execs who oversee HBO and Showtime both said they”re more open to a direct-to-consumer internet service.

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Why is “SNL” promoting its season premiere with a fat Chris Pratt photo?
The official “Saturday Night Live” apparently has seen the buff new “Guardians of the Galaxy” star.

George Clooney is visiting “Downton Abbey” to film a spoof scene for charity
Clooney is set to film at the “Downton” castle for ITV”s Christmas charity initiative.

“Ground Floor” to stage a “Scrubs” reunion
John C. McGinley will be joined by his former TV wife, Christa Miller, who”s married to “Ground Floor” and “Scrubs” creator Bill Lawrence.

Marc Summers wants Nickelodeon to revive “Double Dare”
“Here's the deal,” he tells Huffington Post Live. “I would love to do some form or fashion of it. Let's just say that right now … the people who run the Nickelodeon network and I don't necessarily see eye to eye. I've been trying to make nice to those people, but they refuse to talk to me.”

How “Sons of Anarchy” is like “Will & Grace”
Why is the FX series no longer a great show? Because it”s become dependent on stunt-casting to create buzz, whether it”s – from this season alone — Marilyn Manson, Courtney Love or Lea Michele. PLUS: “SOA” is a soap opera for guys.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Timothy Simons spent their “Veep”-bound flight tweeting at each other
Rather than talk this afternoon, they opted to converse in tweets @OfficialJLD and @timothycsimons.

Watch the NY Times Magazine create a bust of Lena Dunham”s head
The artist Victoria Diehl was commissioned to turn the “Girls” star”s head into high art. PLUS: Zosia Mamet is honored that Taylor Swift identifies with Shoshanna.

Jon Stewart had to learn to become a movie director while directing a movie
“The Daily Show” host says of “Rosewater”: “I think the best decision I made was to be cognizant of my own ignorance.”

Anthony Bourdain”s “Parts Unknown” will visit Vietnam, Tanzania and Iran
The new season will also stop in Shanghai, Paraguay, Jamaica and Massachusetts.

Why “The Bridge” is now the best show you”re not watching
The FX series has become great in Season 2, says Andy Greenwald: “If you are a fan of crime fiction, of the way it alone is capable of looping together strands of journalism, social commentary, humor, heart, and guts and then tying them all together into savage knots, then you really ought to be watching. There is nothing else on TV that will provide the same sort of engagement and thrill.” PLUS: You only need to watch 3 episodes from last season to catch up on Season 2.

“Catfish” gets mashed up with “Saved by the Bell”
Can you get catfished by pay phone?

Meet “Grey”s Anatomy”s” real-life McDreamy
A year before the debut of “Grey”s,” Shonda Rhimes spent time with Dr. Steven Giannotta, USC”s chief of neurosurgery.

Ellen twerked with Nicki Minaj
Ellen DeGeneres” season premiere “Anaconda” video has become a YouTube hit.

Check out an “Orphan Black” infographic
Including a chart showing the frequency of Sarah”s swearing.

Why Kristen Bell joined the “Veronica Mars” spinoff
“First and foremost, these people are a priority for me,” she says of “Play it Again, Dick.” “Working for Rob (Thomas) is a priority for me. And this character is a priority for me. All of those things combined means we can give a little something extra to the people who want it. And if the fans will enjoy it, we”ll keep doing it.”

Watch an extended look at Jessica Biel on “New Girl”
Here”s a behind-the-scenes featurette on Jessica vs. “Jess.”

Jessica St. Clair joins “The McCarthys”
The “Playing House” star will romance Joey McIntyre.