Two weeks ago, Fox released a piece of teaser production art for the mutant Angel via Instagram. In it, Warren Worthington III (Ben Hardy) appears to be involved in an underground cage match. Like how we met Wolverine years ago, only with 100% more feathery wings.
In that production art, it is clear that Angel was still sporting his organic wings. But the latest piece of concept art that dropped yesterday on Instagram tells a different story. Good-bye Angel, hello Archangel.
Sure, they're still calling him Angel, but we all know who that is.
But can we really say this is a spoiler? One the one hand, it”s common knowledge among comic book fans that Angel does at some point have his wings amputated and is then rescued from a suicidal spiral when Apocalypse grafts on techno-organic wings. But on the other hand, the movies have a cast a much wider net and there are plenty of fans who might not have known what was coming and are now Googling “Angel Metal Wings” (or reading this article) and will be learning about who Angel becomes once those technological marvels are fused to his flesh. Maybe they should've only shown ONE of these two images?
Either way, what do you guys think of the design?
”X-Men: Apocalypse” arrives in theaters May 27, 2016.