Robin Williams and Simon Pegg try ‘Absolutely Anything’ for laughs

I am at peace with the notion of no more Monty Python.

Honestly, once Graham Chapman passed, so did the moment. As much as I love each of the individual Python performers, I feel like the entire group has to be present for it to really be considered Monty Python. You can put Paul McCartney onstage with Ringo Starr these days, but that's not The Beatles. The same thing is true with the remaining guys from Python. I'm happy to see them work together, but whatever they are, they aren't really Python anymore.

Since the first time it was announced, it has felt like “Absolutely Anything” has been described as a quasi-reunion movie, and sure enough, you can see that the remaining members of the group voice a group of aliens here who decide to test the population of Earth by granting one regular human (Simon Pegg) the ability to do anything he can imagine. The choices he makes in the use of this power will determine if humanity lives or dies, but Pegg is totally unaware it is a test.

It's a good set-up for a comedy, and I'm going to guess Pegg's character eventually gets it together and saves the world. One of the selling points of the movie is that it features Robin Williams as the voice of Dennis, Pegg's dog, and I'll be honest… I'll take anything with Williams in it at this point. I still miss him desperately, and hearing his voice in the trailer blindsided me a little this morning. I also like how weird the alien stuff looks, and hope they make good use of that in the movie.

There's no current release date for “Absolutely Anything” in the US. In the UK, the film will arrive in theaters on August 14th, and Lionsgate seems to hold release rights here. Hopefully we'll all get a chance to see it around that same time.