Insane rare 1966 footage turns Captain America into mix of Shakespeare and Schwarzenegger

If you grew up in the 1980s, you know well the art of recording your favorite show on VHS or using a blank cassette to tape the radio. But what if you grew up in the 1960s? Same concept, different execution. Instead of a VHS player, you had to record straight from your 8mm camera and use a microphone next to the television speaker to catch the sound.

Which is exactly what some enterprising soul did during a 1966 broadcast of the “Captain America” cartoon. The result? Pure camp as a live-action Steve Rogers goes on a rant about the pros and cons of being a superhero.

[Via Geek Tyrant]


Since the Internet is a wonderful place, someone has created a montage of 1960s Marvel cartoon opening theme songs. Relive the cheesy glory of “Spider-Man,” “The Fantastic Four,” “Captain America,” “Iron Man,” “Thor,” “Hulk,” and “Namor” during the heyday of Saturday morning superheroes!