“Suicide Squad” trailer: It”s to die for
The hottest assemblage of convicts, thieves and bad guys (or at least the people who play them) took over Comic-Con as the cast of “Suicide Squad” rolled out a new trailer for the film. Their appearance, save Jaret Leto, was a bit of a surprise as they”re currently shooting the film in Toronto. While video of the trailer hasn”t been made public yet, we can tell you what we learned via media reports:
– Amanda Waller, played by Viola Davis, explains that she”s looking for “the most dangerous people on the planet” to form Task Force X. She adds that she”s hiding them “in a hole and throws the hole out.”
– Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) asks Waller “Are you the devil?” In much of the rest of the video she”s seen licking her jail cell bars, chewing gum and being her normal crazy self.
– Deadshot (Will Smith) says, “So that's it, we're the patsies. We're some kind of suicide squad. So let's save the world.”
– Killer Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) is tied down to a gurney, and we”re certainly lucky for that.
– Maybe as an ode to Jack Torrence from “The Shining” and his famous quote, “I”m not gonna hurt you. I”m just gonna bash your brains in,” Joker (Jaret Leto) says, “I”m not gonna kill ya. I”m just gonna hurt ya really, really bad.”
The film, directed by David Ayer, also stars Jai Courtney, Cara Delevingne and Ben Affleck. It”s scheduled to be in theaters August 5, 2016.