‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Jason Momoa’s Aquaman is pissed

He”s also an action figure.

Jason Momoa”s Aquaman will make an appearance in Zack Snyder”s “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” before setting off into a solo film set for 2018, and fans are anxiously awaiting the first look at him in action.

The first image revealed a far grimmer looking Aquaman than the traditional orange and green. In speaking with The Robot”s Voice (via Coming Soon) the actor indicated that elements of the classic costume may come through. 

“Well, there might be some bit of orange and green,” Momoa hinted. “A bit of respect to prior work, but I think he is meaner now and upset – look at what has been done to our oceans. That”s his world that has been polluted.”
It”ll be interesting to see what Warner Brothers does with this angry Aquaman both in the context of the team-up films and his solo outing. 

Oh, and for those wondering, toys are already in the works. Momoa says that he has been scanned and “there will be collectibles.”

“Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” hits theatres March of 2016.