Does this picture prove that Princess Leia has fangirls in-universe in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’?

“Star Wars” fans have been wondering about the role that Carrie Fisher”s daughter Billie Lourd plays in “The Force Awakens.” 

Many thought she may play Princess (now General) Leia”s daughter, in a somewhat meta move. Both Fisher and Lourd have denied the theory. However, Lourd certainly is sporting some Leia-like hair in the images that People Magazine has debuted.

Take a look below:

So are they hiding something?

I kid, I kid…Though, are they?

Here”s another idea: From what we”ve seen in the trailers and marketing releases, this is a world where Han, Leia, Luke — and the events of “A New Hope” through “Jedi” — are the stuff of legends. So is possible that Lourd”s character is a Leia fangirl of sorts?

From the looks of the second image above, she is a Rebel (it appears that General Ackbar is in the background). Perhaps she is an admirer of General Leia”s — to the point that she seeks to look like her younger self – in the same way that Kylo Ren is a Darth Vader obsessive.

That could make for an interesting (and, again, meta given the rabid “Star Wars” fandom) play on this universe, and make for a nice symmetry between mother and daughter.

In her interview with People, Lourd confesses her own fascination with “Star Wars.”

“I made [my mom] watch it at least once a week,” The young “Scream Queens” actress said. “And on special occasions I would make her get in a lightsaber fight with me. Let's just say the more trained Jedi usually won.” 

We”ll be able to see this play out for ourselves when “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens on December 18.