The simply titled time travel TV show Time already has an exciting team-up with creators Shawn Ryan, the man behind FX”s Emmy-winning series The Shield, and Eric Kripke, who created much-fan-beloved Supernatural. Now there”s another talent aboard the project who comes with some solid geek cred.
Kripke announced on Twitter today that Neil Marshall will direct the pilot episode for Time. This should have genre fans stoked – Marshall helmed excellent cave-expedition-gone-wrong horror movie The Descent and also directed two Game of Thrones episodes memorable for their epic battle scenes, “Blackwater” and “The Watchers on the Wall.” Might this mean we can hope for some horror elements and solid action sequences in Time?
NEWS! Amazing genre director #NeilMarshall (#GOT, The Descent) is directing our NBC Pilot #Time! I'm a crazy huge fan. @ShawnRyanTV
– Eric Kripke (@therealKripke) January 28, 2016
NBC recently gave Time a pilot order – if the network likes it, we may see it on the primetime schedule for the 2016-2017 season. The brief description we have for the show now is “a high-octane hour about an unlikely trio traveling through time to battle unknown criminals in order to protect history as we know it.”
Time is one of a whole host of time travel shows (hopefully or definitely) soon making their way to your television screens. Below, check out HitFix”s guide to turn-back-the-clock TV and movies that are in your near future.