The best movie of the year may just be one we all missed, including Oscar

If we”re honest, we all know that The Oscars have very little to do with truly honing in on the best films of the year. That”s an entirely subjective assessment, first an foremost.

Additionally, the telecast primarily serves to get folks excited about film again, and maybe that”s okay. Even a good thing. With that in mind, they frequently honor films that feel both socially relevant and comfortable. As far as true merit is concerned, though, the campaigns for Best Picture, Actor, Actress and so on are expensive. The plain fact of it is the smaller films just can”t afford to include the cost in their marketing budgets. And not all distributers are as adept as say, Harvey Weinstein, at running an Oscar race.

None of that is to disparage the films that do win Academy Awards. It”s simply to say that when we look back, there”s typically a few that feel like blatant misses on the part of the Academy.

Every year there is at least one. This year it was extremely culturally significant and guess what? We still missed it ourselves.

Drew McWeeny and Roth Cornet talk about the film they and the Academy missed in the player above and below. There are others, particularly when it comes to the categories beyond Best Picture. This one is pretty significant, though.

Take a look and let us know what you think.

You can also read Drew's written piece on the film here.

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Drew: @DrewAtHitfix

Roth: @RothCornet