ATTENTION: We’re changing the way comments work around these parts

The comment section is dead, long live the comment section!

Beginning today, HitFix Harpy is embarking on an experiment and made our way to the shores of embedded Facebook threads. This is happening in an attempt to create a more welcoming and civil environment. Superhero fans are passionate people and passion can run hot on occasion. HitFix Harpy is happy to host lively discussions from dissenting viewpoints. It is not happy to host ad hominem attacks, threats, or insults lobbed at other commenters or our writers. 

Along with the new commenting system, a comment policy has also been put into place. Follow the rules and you”re golden. Break the rules and you”ll find yourself in the bitter wasteland of the Banned. Your choice.


#1. We encourage our commenters to be spirited and passionate, but respectful.  Fostering a lively, vocal civil community should always be the goal. Differing opinions are tolerated. Disagreement and debate – even on the most sensitive issues – is encouraged, but individuals are always respected.

#2. People are free to disagree with HitFix on any subject discussed on the site. They are free, and even encouraged to disagree passionately.

#3. Threats of violence or to do harm to any member of the HitFix community (writer, contributor or commenter) will not be tolerated. Commenters making threats will be immediately banned from publishing on the site.

#4. Ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated. Comments that descend into name calling rather than debate will be deleted. Those commenters responsible for name calling or such personal attacks will be informed that their comment has been deleted and the next incident will lead to their being banned from the site.

Happy commenting!