‘Daredevil’s’ Charlie Cox Is Pretty Sure He Auditioned to Play Han Solo

Alden Ehrenreich is our new Han Solo for the first Star Wars character spinoff film, and while we know a few other actors were in the running, we hadn't heard about Charlie Cox. The actor recently related a particularly interesting audition story that might have put him in the Millennium Falcon if not for his Daredevil training.

Cox, who plays the blind superhero Daredevil for Marvel's Netflix series, was speaking with The Hollywood Reporter about his intense work playing six characters in the off-Broadway play Incognito when he dropped this bombshell:

“It”s been really fun to look people in the eye,” Cox, who plays the blind lawyer-turned-superhero in the Netflix series, laughs to The Hollywood Reporter. “I had gone to an audition – one of those things that are super secretive and they don”t tell you, but I”m pretty sure it was for the Han Solo reboot- and halfway through it, the casting director stopped me and said, ‘Why aren”t you looking at me?” I realized I had gotten into a habit of not making eye contact, because the only thing I had done for two years is play someone who is blind. I never got invited back, probably because they couldn”t figure out why I was acting like a complete idiot.”

Now I'm kind of bummed. For him and all of us. I could very much see Cox nailing Han's dorky swagger. Then again original Han – Harrison Ford – has been sort of negative about the film as it pertains to a young actor's career, so maybe it's for the best?

The untitled Han Solo prequel film has a script from Lawrence Kasdan and Jonathan Kasdan and is being directed by Chris Miller and Phil Lord. It's scheduled to be released on May 25, 2018.