‘Ouija: Origin of Evil’ trailer promises a rare sequel that’s superior to the original

If you can”t think of a horror sequel you”re less looking forward to than Ouija 2, consider this: the followup to 2014″s critically-lambasted Ouija (which is rather unfortunately subtitled Origin of Evil) looks better than its teens-in-peril predecessor in every way. For starters, it”s directed by Mike Flanagan, who brought us Oculus and Hush, two of the better horror films to come down the pike in recent years. It also boasts a nifty period setting, in addition to what looks like a nice, creepy performance from child actress Lulu Wilson, who may or may not be doing her best Rhoda Penmark impression as the film”s possessed youngster.

The downside here is that the trailer, coming so closely on the heels of the samey Conjuring 2, could suffer in comparison to James Wan”s blockbuster horror sequel thanks to a slew of elements the two films share in common, from the aforementioned period setting to the premise of a single mother dealing with the possession of her youngest daughter. (Am I personally tired of haunted-kid movies? Hell yes.) Then again, horror audiences tend to have an insatiable appetite for these kinds of films, and chances are good that The Conjuring 2 will be far enough in the rearview mirror by the time Ouija: Origin of Evil“s October 21 release date rolls around to effectively skirt those associations.