Pretty ‘Dead’: Norman Reedus glitterbombs Andrew Lincoln

Oh that wacky prankster.

Killing zombies can be rough business. So every once in a while, it”s a good idea to kick back and have a little fun. And it doesn”t hurt if it”s at the expense of one of your co-workers.

The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus decided to pull a pretty prank on his fellow zombie apocalypse survivor Andrew Lincoln. Reedus loaded up Lincoln”s car”s air-conditioning with glitter. Knowing the Georgia heat would soon get the best of Lincoln, when he cranks up the A/C…well you can guess what happens next. And Reedus posted all the fun on his Instagram page.

Covered with glitter, Lincoln said, “How much did you [BLEEP] put in here?” Lincoln”s upset reaction is only made funnier by the sound of Reedus cackling in the background.

“Have a nice ride home in the heat,” Reedus responds.

Check out the video.


Glitter attack successful ????

A video posted by norman reedus (@bigbaldhead) on Jul 19, 2016 at 10:21am PDT
