After an excruciating wait, the new ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ trailer is FINALLY here

Lucasfilm has been teasing Star Wars fans for days with teaser trailers for the new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer and now the final product is here! First airing during the NBC coverage of the Rio Olympics tonight, Disney wasted no time getting the footage up online for the masses.


This is the part of the war that The Clones Wars and Revenge of the Sith never quite mastered and the original trilogy didn”t have the budget to address. The gritty ground war and the billions of lives affected daily by a vast reaching Empire. Folks from all different walks of life carefully creating alliances as thin as a spider”s thread in the hopes of defeating an suffocating evil.

Oh, and Darth Vader. Obviously.

What do you guys think? Has Rogue One: A Star Wars Story sold you on the mission to retrieve the Death Star plans?