’30 Rock’ – ‘Emanuelle Goes to Dinosaur Land’: Feline groovy?

“30 Rock” is out of the regular blog rotation, but I have to say that last night’s episode was both the second-funniest of NBC’s Thursday comedies (after “Parks and Recreation”), as well as the funniest episode of this show in what feels like a very long time. A quick review coming up just as soon as I submit that animated film I wrote about the Holocaust…

I still don’t love either of the ongoing Jack or Liz story arcs, but this one gave us another amusing Ghosts of Boyfriends Past story for Liz (Yay, Dennis! Yay, dumb Jon Hamm! Yay, insufferable Wesley!), as well as a great running gag about Jack’s attempts to create a non-sexual vibe for Nancy. (And the Hulk-like explanation for Avery’s absence was also great.)

And, frankly, I could have watched at least 20 more minutes of outtakes of Tracy listing all the horrible, surreal things he witnessed as a child.

“Emanuelle Goes to Dinosaur Land” didn’t seem to be doing anything conceptually different from the rest of this season; I just think the execution was better.

What did everybody else think?