‘Arrested Development’: Jessica Walter optimistic about series return

You could say that Arrested Development has been in a state of…wait for it…arrested development since Season 4 landed on Netflix in 2013. But things may be turning the corner if you believe the Bluth family matriarch.

In an interview with Deadline, Jessica Walter said of the show”s potential return, “It”s looking real good…I don”t have dates, but everybody is on board.”

Walter isn”t the only one chomping at the bit to get back to the crazy streets of Orange County. Will Arnett, who plays Gob (and Franklin”s puppeteer), said in a July 2016 interview that he can”t wait to get back together with the rest of the Bluths.

“I know that everybody is game to do it. We all love doing it…The people responsible for actually putting it together just need to get their s*** together,” a blunt Arnett said. He added, “It”s something that”s always out there and it”s something that we”re always constantly kinda talking about, and how can we do it and when can we do it…We go so far as to start to discuss the scheduling of it and when that would be, and for whatever reason it kind of gets slowed down.”

If the issue comes to financing, perhaps producers should go to the frozen banana stand. Because as everyone knows, there”s always money in the frozen banana stand.