‘All Eyez’ on this intense Tupac biopic trailer

Clip It: Each day, Jon Davis looks at the world of trailers, featurettes, and clips and puts it all in perspective.

The trailer for All Eyes on Me is violent, raw, and Shakespearean. The quick cutting is rapid and builds to a crescendo. I'd say this trailer is NSFW, so watch out. This film is going to be an exposed nerve, which is what Tupac was, so it may end up being appropriate tone for the kind of man he was.  

For those of us not of age in the '90s, Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls had a west coast vs, east coast, rapper vs. rapper rivalry that wasn't just a pop culture distraction. Relationships were ruined. Lives were lost. In order to get a complete picture of what happened between Tupac and Biggie, you need to know about both of their lives. 

I'd be remiss if I didn't call attention to the fact that Jamal Woolard who played Biggie Small in Biggie's biopic Notorious also plays Biggie in this Tupac biopic. I'm sure Demetrius Shipp Jr. acquits himself well as Tupac in All Eyes on Me, but it would have been super interesting to have Anthony Mackie (currently flying around the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Falcon) reprise his Notorious role as Tupac. Then we'd have a movie crossover biopic sequel on our hands. Has that ever happened?

Have you seen Notorious? Are you looking forward to All Eyez on Me?