Once upon a time, there were freaks… and there were geeks…

So we’ve been spending this summer on the blog revisiting “The Wire” season three, as well as “Firefly,” while Fienberg and I have been discussing “Undeclared” on the podcast. One of the reasons I devote so much time each summer to old shows on DVD is because of how much I had in the summer of ’07 when I decided I would rather blow off boring summer TV in favor of revisiting one of my favorite shows of all-time, “Freaks and Geeks.”

IFC begins rerunning the series tonight at 11 (and in the fall, they’ll be showing “Undeclared”). If you’ve enjoyed any of the movies associated with the Judd Apatow brand (or Apatovian actors like Seth Rogen and Jason Segel), or if you like Dave Franco’s Brother James Franco, or John Francis Daley from “Bones,” or Lizzy Caplan and Martin Starr from “Party Down,” or… well, a whole lot of people doing some of the best work in TV and movie comedy today, then this is where they got their start. If you like high school shows that actually feel like the high school you went to, regardless of the era, then “Freaks and Geeks” is great. If you like to laugh, or like great characterization, or simply great TV, “Freaks and Geeks” is worth a very long look.

I can’t recommend it highly enough, and you can find all my write-ups on the 18 episodes at my old blog. Enjoy.