‘Sherlock’ – ‘The Great Game’: Moriarty the mastermind

The short but sweet three-week run of “Sherlock” concluded on PBS tonight, and the Mark Gatiss-scripted conclusion was in many ways the most fun of the three chapters. The structure with the mini-mysteries suggested that Gatiss and Steven Moffat weren’t sure if they’d get to tell more stories with these characters, and were therefore going to stuff as much as they could into the final 90 minutes, and yet it never felt too busy. (For the Holmes scholars out there, were any of those  adapated from actual Arthur Conan Doyle stories?)

Then again, the sensational closing sequence with Holmes, Watson and Moriarty would seem to disprove my theory, because there’s no way Gatiss would be so cruel as to end things that way if he didn’t think he’d get to continue the story in the future, right?

I thought the middle story was a bit thin, but the opening and closing installments of “Sherlock” were just fantastic, and I’m glad they’re going to be able to make more before Martin Freeman’s tied up with his “Hobbit” duties.

What did everybody else think?

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