Interview: ‘Doctor Who’ star Matt Smith, Part 2

As I explained in part 1 of this interview post, the new season of “Doctor Who” debuts on BBC America Saturday night at 9 with an episode set in, and that was partially filmed in, America. I went to BBC America’s offices last week to interview three of the show’s stars, including the Doctor himself, Matt Smith, and will be posting my videos of those chats over the next few days.

In part 2, Smith and I (each with a hoarse voice for an entirely different reason; his is better than mine) talk about the Doctor’s feelings about Amy Pond’s husband (and new full-time companion) Rory, about being part of the “lost generation” in the UK that grew up without new “Doctor Who” episodes, and a lot more.

Enjoy. Back tomorrow with Alex Kingston, then Karen Gillan on Friday and a review of the premiere Saturday night after it airs on the East Coast.