Exclusive Song Of The Day: Iceland’s FM Belfast won’t ‘Go to Sleep’

When I first saw FM Belfast almost four years ago, it was on their home turf in Iceland, during the annual Airwaves music festival. Two members took their pants off and audience’s front row was covered in what looked like fruit juice and confetti. A few months later, they rocked the walls of a small LES club in Manhattan. Many people were shirtless. Somebody, I believe, was dressed as a palm tree. This person may or may not have been in the actual band.

FM Belfast are most interested in fun, not in the cheeky, LOL-culture version of fun. Sometimes 25 people or more join the band on stage, in colorful costume, without a slow jam to dull the crew. It’s dorky as hell, without an ounce of mean-spirit. It’s like a lot of Dan Deacons, with less arm-crossing from the back of the room.

Below we present an exclusive video of the band’s track “I Don’t Want to Go to Sleep Either,” from the band’s forthcoming “Don’t Want to Sleep,” due June 21 via Morr Music. The clip may or may not have been created in MS Paint and iMovie.

Plus, here is a short Q&A with FM Belfast co-founder Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson:

[Video and interview after the jump…]

Your new video has a lot of footage from New York. What do you think are big differences between audiences here and in Iceland?

The difference is most of the people who come to our shows in Iceland are either friends, relatives or friends of relatives or relatives of friends. Most of the people who come to our shows in New York are not relatives but they are friendly and they seem to like dancing and grinding stuff.

Of the couple of shows that I’ve seen of yours, somebody inevitably drops their trousers or otherwise takes their clothes off. Why?

Our main goal is to make people dance, this seems to cause a rise in body temperature that leads to people taking off their clothes. Also we have a song that encourages this behaviour called “Underwear”.

Who is one of the coolest people to storm the stage at one of your shows? Which mega-music star would you most like to crash your stage?

As I have a very bad cool meter, I will pretend you asked about the friendliest person to come on stage with us. I’d say Lotta Lóa, Lóa’s niece. Here is a picture of the event.

I’d really like Bez from the Happy Mondays to join us some time. 

Please explain the title of your album (and, naturally, the song).

It’s sometimes hard to go to sleep when you have so many fun things to tend to. I think there are way more reasons to stay awake then to go to sleep usually.

FM Belfast: i don´t want to go to sleep either from morr music on Vimeo.