Exclusive: New ‘Tintin’ poster puts Tintin and Snowy at the heart of adventure

Now that people are starting to review “The Adventures Of Tintin,” and the word seems to be largely positive, it’s going to be even harder for American film fans to wait for Christmas.

I understand why “Tintin” is coming out everywhere else first.  The character is iconic in Europe in a way that it just isn’t here in America.  Even so, I think a two month gap is going to be almost sadistic once people start talking about how well Spielberg and Jackson and an army of WETA animators have managed to bring Herge’s creation to life.

Today, we’ve got the new one-sheet for the movie, and it looks like Paramount’s finally got Tintin’s face front and center.  People have been talking ever since the first bit of footage or the first few stills that it seems like the advertising has cleverly hidden the faces and the mouths of the characters because of the uncanny valley issue.  Here, we’ve got the intrepid reporter looking right into the camera, and it’s fascinating how his design seems to honor Herge’s intention while still playing much closer to “real.”

I wish this new poster emphasized the sprawling cast of the film a little more.  I’m eager to see Andy Serkis as Captain Haddock in action, and part of the charm of the Tintin world in general is seeing that supporting cast in play.  Nick Frost and Simon Pegg as the Thomson Twins, for example, are a big part of what I’m curious about, and I’d love to see the curious character Toby Jones is playing here, too.

In the end, though, Tintin and Snowy should be the main thing Paramount is working to sell to young audiences here, because if their relationship doesn’t work, the film doesn’t work.  And sure enough, this poster is all about Tintin and Snowy and adventure, which sounds to me like a good general description of “The Adventures Of Tintin” after all.  In the meantime, the new trailer will be online at Apple.com at 4 PM PST today, so be sure to check that out.

Is it Christmas yet?