Power Rankings: Pick A Goal, Any Goal

When other people do power rankings, they’re pointless and stupid. When we do Power Rankings, they kick all kinds of ass.

1. Kronum. This game is part football, part soccer, part rugby and just generally insane. Watch this explanation of how it’s played now, because nobody will be playing it in three years. Via Deuce Of Davenport.

2. Bacon. We’re being gouged by the pork companies! Thanks, Weed Against Speed.

3. TCU’s Rose Bowl Championship Rings. They almost makes up for their ugly new jerseys. Almost.

4. The Genealogical Awareness Of Nick O’Leary. Imagine your grandfather being Jack Nicklaus and you not even knowing it before he took you to Augusta National as his caddy for the Par 3 tournament. Of course Nick is going to play football at Florida State.

5. The Junket Within The Junket. Digital spoof artist Alex Blagg strikes again with this video of Danny McBride and James Franco pimping Your Highness. McBride is already the new Will Ferrell, except that McBride is actually funny.

6. The AOL Blog Veterans. I did announce I was stepping out of the editor’s chair today, but I still feel for the peeps at AOL that were doing terrific work and got fired anyway. It’s depressing, really.

7. Driving 85. Never change, Texas.

8. Yi So-Yeon. Three years ago today, Yi (left…duh) became the second-ever Asian woman to travel in space, leading to the second-ever zero-gravity astronaut bukkake session. Yeah, that was a gross joke. Sorry.

9. Concussions In Video Games. Haven’t our video game athletes suffered enough?

10. Popping another dude in the ballsack with a champagne cork. Dude. Not cool.