Kick@ss Movie GIF Photosets: Part One

You know how certain pieces of your favorite movies are the best? And how you just want to re-experience them over and over again? Except it’s such a pain in the @ss to get off the couch and boot up your Blu-Ray player to make it happen? Sure you do. I’m pretty sure it’s this phenomenon that leads to groups of dudes repeating the same movie lines over and over again in public despite the alienating effect it has on others.
On Tumblr this phenomenon is starting to take shape more and more in the form of photosets, where Tumbloggers (?) collage together images and gifs to recreate the best parts of their favorite films. If I do say so myself they’re quite awesome. The Royal Tenenbaums credits photoset by MrGoLightly (full version next slide) is especially tremendous and will have you nostalgic for the days before Gene Hackman retired, before Luke Wilson co-starred with Jessica Simpson, before Ben Stiller went full Focker, and before Gwyneth Paltrow turned internet public enemy numero uno.
For “Part I: Intro to Movie GIF Photosets” I’ve included five of my favorites I’ve recently come across. If you play your cards right “Part II: The Sequel” will expand even further on the topic and “Part III: Theme Night” could really get interesting. But I don’t want to make any promises. For now, simply enjoy while pondering how we can teach children to read if they can’t even fit in the building. Question for the ages.




