‘Crimson Peak’ Will Be Climbed By Loki, Er, Tom Hiddleston

Barbarian Cucumber, er, Benedict Cumberbatch recently had to bow out of the lead role of Crimson Peak, Guillermo Del Toro’s next movie that is not Pacific Rim 2. But he managed to find a suitable replacement in another English actor who we refuse to call by his real name, Loki. OK, fine, Tom Hiddleston.

Loki will be playing a detective who is investigating some creepy goings-on in a haunted house, and he joins a cast with Emma Stone, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska, and Gipsy Danger’s pilot, OK, fine, Charlie Hunnam. Essentially, one of the three women is married to one of the two men, and said guy is not who he claims to be.

Crimson Peak, for those unfamiliar, is a ghost story. Everybody who’s seen The Devil’s Backbone is already sold, but for those of you who may need some more convincing, Del Toro has described it as a throwback to big-budget horror movies from the 1970s, mentioning titles like The Omen and The Exorcist. And considering the movie isn’t called Happy-Fun-Time Peak,

And, unlike most Guillermo Del Toro projects where he just talks about them for a solid decade, this one is actually getting made; cameras start rolling in January. And then you can get to work on Pacific Rim 2, Guillermo.