The Tension Between The U.S. And Russia Is Even Greater Thanks To… The Bloodhound Gang?

In case you’ve been wondering whatever happened to the Bloodhound Gang – the comedic 90s rap rock outfit that brought us such classics as “The Bad Touch” and “Fire Water Burn” – they are still alive and well, touring around the world and playing festivals from here to Australia. Except, they can now take Russia off of their list of tour stops, as their most recent performance in Ukraine has the band’s leader, Jimmy Pop, and bassist, “Evil” Jared Hasselhoff (above), in some pretty big trouble.

The two men – real names James Franks and Jared Hennegan, respectively – are wanted by the Investigative Committee for “inciting hatred in an organized group,” according to the BBC. To put that in much simpler terms, they’re facing maximum sentences of five years because Evil Jared wiped his ass with a Russian flag on stage back in July, and he was also banned from Ukraine for urinating on that country’s flag.

As for Jimmy, he is simply accused of saying mean things about Russia.

It said that Franks had also shouted out “insulting expressions in English against Russia” at the Ukraine gig.

The committee said that it suspected the men of plotting to carry out acts aimed at “humiliating the human dignity of citizens of Russia”.

The group had already been banned from a festival in Russia when footage of the flag stunt was posted online.

Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky tweeted at the time: “These idiots will not perform in [the region of Russia] Kuban.” (Via BBC)

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the video of Evil’s controversial behavior. All I can say is that The Scorpions would have never done this with an American flag, so I’m a little upset by this.

(Banner via Getty)