“Duke Nukem Forever” Looks Completely Tasteful And Mature

You know, with games like “Portal 2” and “L.A. Noire” capturing the public consciousness and selling millions of copies, we were in peril, for a brief moment, of having video gaming actually being taken seriously as an art form.

Duke to the rescue!

On the next slide is the NSFW launch trailer for “Duke Nukem Forever”, which is pretty much everything you’d expect from Duke Nukem, only…moreso. We’re not really big believers in the idea that standards somehow plummet over time, an idea mostly propagated by people who don’t know their history and think fart jokes were only recently invented.

On the other hand, the launch trailer has some rapper redoing Billy Squier’s “The Stroke”. Take from that what you will. Triple breasted aliens and all the classic Duke weapons on the next slide.

[ via the strippers at Rock Paper Shotgun ]