Every generation has its dance craze. Your grandparents looked foolish doing the Charleston or the Twist (depending how old you are), while your parents would have embarrassed the holy bejesus out of you with their drug-induced hippie flailing. Your older brother or sister shamefully did the Macarena or walked like an Egyptian, and you probably have a cousin who was awesome at the Kid n Play dance. So it’s your turn now to completely make an ass out of yourself with the latest dance sensation.
Thankfully, the delightful youth of Germany have stepped in to re-introduce the world to industrial techno dancing. In case you’re unfamiliar, it’s like really bad martial arts meets even worse clothing. But the Germans love it so much that a few teens recorded themselves dancing a while back and they posted it on YouTube with an open invitation for constructive criticism.
Enter Reddit. The awesome minds at the Internet’s one-stop home for creativity took the original video and offered their own suggestions on how to make it better. Namely, they added new, ridiculous music to change it from unintentionally hilarious to all-around hilarious.
After the jump you can see the original video and some of Reddit’s finest offerings, as well as some additional industrial dance efforts so you can make your own remixes.
(Hat tip to Buzzfeed.)