Earlier this week we saw the trailer for Super Mario 3D World. Now we have ten minutes of gameplay from the Wii U platformer, which comes out November 22nd in the US and a week later in Europe and Australia. The gameplay follows hosts Krysta and Kit as they play the co-op mode, competing for crowns and trying out some new power-ups like the double cherry, which makes an additional copy of your character. Double Mario all the way across the sky.
The game has a bit of a Smash Brothers vibe, in that it’s very cartoony (even for a Mario game) and you can screw over your co-op buddy. Also of note is that this is only the second Mario platformer in which Princess Peach is a playable character rather than a kidnapping victim. The other one with a playable Peach, Super Mario Bros. 2, was a game not originally designed for the Mario franchise. It’s almost like Nintendo has been paying attention to feedback or something…
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, but it’s worth 4000 points so hang onto it.
(H/T: CVG)