'The Witcher' Is Getting Its Own Comic

Hmmmm, The Witcher‘s developer and Dark Horse are announcing a collaboration at New York Comic-Con? Yeah, there’s a pretty short list of projects those two could be involved in together.

This is actually good news for Witcher fans and fantasy comics fans. Dark Horse is actually really, really good at translating what makes video games work to the comic book page. Akaneiro, for example, is a game you probably didn’t play, but Dark Horse turned it into an interesting miniseries that was worth picking up of its own accord. Dark Horse teamed up with Naughty Dog to put out The Last Of Us: American Dreams, which is probably going to wind up as one of the best minis of the year. And Mass Effect: Foundation is a solidly fun SF book that plays with ideas and characters from that series without feeling forced or cheesy.

And, on the flipside, CD Projekt Red gets to reach other audiences with its key franchise, and establish ties with Dark Horse. Personally, although it’s unlikely to happen for a while, it’d be great to see that team cut loose on, say, B.P.R.D., or to see what they could do with The Massive or Mind MGMT as a video game. Of course, it’d have to survive the Dark Horse Curse